Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki

alright here is my thoughts for the story (more in depth). you can also add suggestions and more ideas to it in the comments:

Prolouge: shows a mortal being taken by a monster

6 demigods are sent to investigate dissiperances of various children and adults in orlando, FL. before the people dissipered, there were reports of them talking about seeing monsters. chiron send the six demigods to see if they can find any of the people, and if any of them are demigods, bring them back to camp. however, one demigod follows them to (insert reason here), and follows behind the group for the trip. when the 6 arrive in orlando (before the other demigod), and find large groups throughout the city. eventually the last demigod come to the city and finds the other six, who are hiding in a closed apartment building. the one demigod does whatever reason they followed the others for. this part right here is where a event is added as the fallout of the seventh demigod (monsters follows him/her and kills one of the members, the seventh demigod joins them, kills one of the six in revenge for something etc.). then the (six, seven, survivors, etc.) find a monster hive, inside the hive they find the people who were taken by the monsters, two mortals are dead, while they find three demigods, and another mortal who can see through the mist. the last mortal is severly ingured and tells them about a giant monster before passing out. as the group takes the captured people from the hive they encounter a "hive mind" (type of monster to represent the hive mind needed). after learning that the hive mind monster needed the people for (insert reason here) the (six, seven, survivors, etc.) battle and kill the hive mind monster. after escaping the hive (insert event here). the two children are revealed to to be children of (insert god here) and (insert another god here for other kid). the remaining group members take the mortal to a hospital, and the two children back to camp (by a mean of transportation. one character eventually says that everything that they did needed to be recrorded: "For the Record".

Epilouge: (any ideas for epilouge? i got none.)

thats the main ideas for it, feel free to offer ideas and suggestions. note that I left areas open ussally in paranthesis, for you to offer ideas for plot changes/twists. renember that you can also offer your ideas for the story, when we have a majority apporval, we can start the story. post your ideas in the comments. AuRon The Lost, Drake Russell, The Outcast 21:32, January 29, 2011 (UTC)
